Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation – Fighting childhood cancer, one cup at a time.
Alex and the Lemonade Stand Foundation that she inspired are a testimony to the positive impact that one life can have on millions of people. Alex’s story and the great work that her life inspires compel us to support ALSF.
Instead of us trying to tell you the whole story of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation here we’re going to point you to their awesome website. You can learn all about Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation and the wonderful work it is doing by clicking here: ALSF.
Charity Navigator is the nation’s largest and most-utilized evaluator of charities. They give Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation an overall rating of 97.40 on a 100 point scale. The complete rating can be found here: Charity Navigator
This June, all across the USA thousands of volunteers will be working at lemonade stands to help raise funds to support ALSF. Bright Minds Training will be partnering with a child care center in Independence, KY in hosting a lemonade stand. We recently received our lemonade stand kit in the mail from ALSF and are excited and looking forward to this fun and important event. We think it would be great if all who are our customers would host ALSF lemonade stands this June! To encourage this we will be giving a 50 hour course bundle worth $175 to the center that raises the most funds through their ALSF lemonade stand. All of the information about how to host an ALSF lemonade stand is available on their web site. Contact Connie via email at if you are interested in participating in the course bundle contest.
To help fund childhood cancer research, each month Bright Minds Training will donate 10% of it’s profits to ALSF. By redeeming the Brightstars you earn through Bright Minds Rewards to ALSF we can do even more.

Every $50 we raise will fund an hour of research in the fight against childhood cancer.
$24.00 Partner in Healing
$18.00 Partner in Discovery
$12.00 Partner in Research
$8.00 Partner in Hope
$4.00 Partner in Courage
$2.00 Partner in Compassion
For Bright Minds Rewards we set the minimum donation to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation at 1000 Brightstars which converts to a $2 donation.
We want to recognize those who donate their Brightstars to ALSF. To do that we have included the table that you see below. It shows the total donations made by each customer for the current calendar year. We realize at first there will be no entries on the grid. Our hope is that by the end of 2019 there will be many listed who have made contributions to ALSF. The different levels of giving and the amounts associated with each level are listed above.
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