Welcome To Our Blog:
As a recent addition to the many useful tools we offer at Bright Minds Training, we will now publish a monthly blog! Here, we will feature what is new in the Early Childhood Education world, along with information about our newest and upcoming courses, and free monthly curriculum! Click on the blog you would like to read below.
January 2022: Burnout
In our first edition, we talk about teacher burnout. Psychology Today describes burnout as “a state of chronic stress that leads to physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism, detachment, and feelings of ineffectiveness….read more
February 2022: 3 Essential Life Skills for Children
When it comes to teaching the children in your care, there is so much more than just ABC’s and 123’s. I remember thinking many years ago, during circle time with my 4 year old class, “WOW! These kids are so smart! They know 10 animals in sign language, can count to 10 in Spanish…..read more
March 2022: Supporting Families With Special Needs Children
We give you some ideas and advice on how to go about having these tough conversations. You might find that this goes hand-in-hand with two of our courses: “Communicating with Families to Support Children with Developmental Delays” and our newest course, read more…..
April 2022: 5 Steps for Potty Training in a Childcare Center
Potty Training…….sigh. When I was still working in a center, everyone dreaded being in the two-year-old room simply because of the potty training chaos. The mess, the smell, how helping a child go potty can take away from the other kids, and trying to stay on the same page as the family read more…..
May 2022: First Day Jitters
Firsts are hard. First steps, first pets, first sleepover, first crushes. First day of daycare…With all endings come beginnings. With the school year ending, some of you will be taking your children to daycare for the first time. Whether it be the first day ever in any daycare or a new daycare after switching from another, those first few days are tough. This goes for parents, read more…..
June 2022: Too Cool for “School”?
It’s summer, the school-aged kids are out of school and in your care. However, sometimes, you will have one who thinks they are WAY too cool to be there. They are usually right at the age cut-off for your center or maybe just a little more mature for their age. Of course, they would rather be at the pool or running around the neighborhood with their friends. So how do we make them more comfortable? How do we give them a summer read more…..
Sometimes art is the dreaded “messy center.” It’s the center that we close first at the end of the day to avoid a last-minute catastrophic spill or a confetti mess after little Susie decided to work on her scissor skills five minutes before closing. However, nothing beats the look of joy on a child’s face read more…..

Author Bio:
Hi! Thank you for coming to The Bright Spot! First, I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Kasey, a now stay-at-home mom of 3; 12, 6 and 4 years old. Before deciding to stay home, I worked in Early Childhood Education. Throughout my 10 years in a center, I worked as a lead teacher for every age, from infants up to school-age kids. During my last couple of years working full time, I was the Assistant Director for a brand-new center. At some point, I have been the bus lady, the breakfast/lunch/snack lady, the summer program planner, the family tour giver, hirer, firer, and many other roles.
About 13 years later, here I am! I now create social media content, videos and photos for Bright Minds Training courses and free curriculum, and now, writing this monthly blog.